Tagged.....Thanks Mardi for the tag,1. Which famous person would you most like to learn that you are descended from??? Someone super cool like Elvis, James Dean or Marilyn Monroe.
2. Which famous person would you hate to learn that you are descended from??? Like most people I would hate to be related to a mass murderer or someone like Bin Laden or Hitler. (My greatgrand parents are german so hopefully I am NOT related to Hitler)
3. If you could be ancestor to any living famous person, who would it be and why? Someone with a large bank balance would be good, as long as they were old and my name was in their will.
4. If you could go back in time and meet any known ancestor(s) of yours, who would it be? My Grandfather on my dads side as he died before I was born and he is the only one of my grandparents I never knew. Everyone tells me he was a lovely man.
5. Tag 5 people:.........Bri, Cindy, Marie, Ngaire and Julie.
I went with a friend to a shoe and clothes party last night and now I am suffering from a bit of a hangover, too many glasses of Champagine and not enough sleep. But I had a great time.
Craig has taken the kids out for a drive so I could have a rest but I thought I should do the tag from Mardi before I forgot about it.
It has been another busy week with 2 trips to Bendigo and we are ment to be going back tomorrow to swimming lessons but I just don't think I can do it, I am just to tired. The first trip down, we went to see my friend who had her baby last Sunday. He was born a month early and weighed only 5lb 3ozs but is doing well and should be home Monday. He is very cute and made me very clucky, but I have been told by the Dr NOT to get pregnant until I get this blood thing worked out.
2nd trip down to Bendigo was so Jasper could have his arm re x-rayed and checked. All was good, the bone was in the correct position so they plastered the whole arm from sholder to wrist. He is not concerned about the plaster, just doing everything as normal including riding his bike!!! With 1 hand!!! He has No Fear!!!
Inter school sports were on yesterday, girls both went well. The weather was yucky, very very cold. luckly the rain held off. I was in such a rush to get there that I forgot the camera again OMG what sort of scrapper am I???
No new news on my blood, I did speak to my Dr in Bendigo and he said he has spoken to the haematologist in Melbourne and he will call me with appointment details (soon hopefully)
I did a on-line class with Kim Archer last Thursday night, it was great, I will upload a pic when I am finished it (its almost done)
Checked out yours Mardi, it looks great.Can't think of anything else much, my Brother is getting married next saturday so we have that to look forward to. Chloe and myself have new frocks to wear, Georgia will wear the dress she wore to the deb ball when Chloe was a flower girl. Jasper has a new shirt and pants and Craig will wear something out of his wardrobe. I will have to post some photos of us all dolled up LOL
Don't even have any new LO to share.
Take care and Talk soon
Cherie xxoo
PS. Must also write how sad it is that Australia has lost another icon with the death of Peter Brock. My hubby just lives and breathes Holdens so he was glued to the TV last night. RIP Peter.