Wednesday, February 20, 2008

My baby girl is 8 MONTHS OLD TOMORROW!!!!!!
I can't believe that 8 months have gone already.....boy does time fly...
(I will post some photos of her tomorrow)
Things have been flat out around here lately, I thought with 3 kids at school I would have all this free time.....boy was I wrong, I feel busier than ever, there is always something to do and I have to also have to leave some time for socialising......LOL
I must say sorry to my DH Craig, I have not had time to go to work and do that HUGE pile of filing he has saved for me......I promise I will try and get it done next week.....xoxox
Everyone is settling in to school, even Jasper is more keen to go now that he has discovered the sports shed......His friends and him play cricket almost every lunch time. The first few days Jasper found school very boring as the felt like he was spending all his day listening to the teacher and not doing anything exciting but now they are into the swing of things his is enjoying it a lot more.....he is loving bring home a new reader each night and being able to read it to me or Craig....he feels so proud of himself.
This afternoon we have parent teacher interviews, these are held early in the term so we can find out from the teachers what is going to happen for the school year and how we can help our children at home.
I became a god mother again on Sunday. I am a god mother to my nephew Xavier. I have not got any pics yet but I will add some when I get some pics from my mum.
Chloe and her friend Sigrid won the under 10 girls tennis tournament 2 weeks photos of that either!!!! I will get some photos when they get there trophy on the presentation day.
Georgia is home sick today, I hope it is only a 24 hour bug and hopefully no one else gets it!!!!! I have had the glen 20 and pine o clean out in full force!!!!

My mojo has gone quiet again but below are a two more pages I managed to do and also some scrumptious cards (from aussie scrap source), I will be running a class on the cards this Friday night.

Thats all I can think of at the moment,
I will be back tomorrow to post a few shots of my baby girl.
Till then, take care
Cherie xx


  1. Hi Cherie!

    So glad Jasper is enjoying school and doing so well too with his reading!
    Your layouts look fantastic and I love those cards - I'm running the exact same card class at my LSS next month too! They're so cute -love those owls!

    Sheree xx

  2. I could have told you that your life would get busy with three at school. lol.

    I'll bet, though, everyone asks what you are going to do with all your 'free' time. What a joke!!! lol

    love the los. Ooh, I'm thrilled to hear Jasper loves reading - such a wonderful thing to be able to do.

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Hi Cherie
    Glad to hear that you are all good and l hope Georgia is feeling better. Just letting you know that l did the filing for Craig when l was up there the other day, so it is all done for a little while. Its good that Jasper is liking school now and has settled in well. Take care, love to all. Raquel xx

  4. Never enough hours in a day eh !!
    Glad to hear all is well with the kids settled back into school.
    Can't believe Velvet is nearly 8 months old !!
    Love the cards & LO's ... good to see the creative juices flowing !! LOL!

  5. Hi there! The photos of Velvet are so cute!!! She is such a little sweetie!
    I am happy too that Jasper likes reading! Let me know if you want some suggestions for other books that he can read at home.
    And I love your layouts too!
