Thursday, June 07, 2007

{{{{2 WEEKS TO GO}}}}

Just a quick up-date....

2 weeks until bub number 4 arrives!

1 more week of injections (until after I have the baby then I need to do them for another 6 weeks)

I did a small amount of scrapbooking this week.......below is 1 of the layouts, its made using lots of Heidi Swapp stuff.........I LOVE all her stuff

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I must say a BIG thank you to my DH Craig because he spoilt me this week and got me a new camera!!!!!!!!!!

It is a Cannon 400D !!!!!!!!!!............I am still getting used to using it, luckily it comes with a very easy users manual. Can't wait till we have some nice weather and I can get out and take photos to my hearts content. Below are a few photos I have taken so far...........

Will update again in the next two weeks...........

Take care and love to all

Cherie xxoo


  1. omg, Cherie!!! I can't believe how the time has flown!!!! Keep well and we'll be thinking of you!

  2. Yay! 2 more weeks - that's so fast Cherie! Can't wait to *meet* your little one (even if its only via blog photos)!
    And a new camera - how cool!!! Have fun playing :)
    Love Lus x

  3. All the best for these last two doubt the hardest... not long now until we get to meet your new little addition.
    Love the layout... its so nice when you share your work... fabulous news on the new camera too... you deserve to be spoilt thats for sure..
    Mardi x

  4. This two weeks is just going to fly!!!
    Have fun playing with your new camera!
    I love thelayout of Georgia!

  5. ...WOW two weeks! Where does the time go? I am so excited to finally *meet* this new little bubby. I'll be thinking of you and i'll be waiting for the news.
    Love the pictures by the way....I'd love a new camera...can you ask your DH to buy me one too? lol.
    Take care..
    Luv Belinda

  6. Wow. It's very exciting there is only 2 weeks left. I bet the kids cant wait! Lucky you getting a new camera! Was it for a special occaision?
    I have put a password on my blog (not that ive updated it yet!) and I put your bigpond address in to invite but I think it will probably have to be your google one?? Let me know if you cant get in.
