Monday, March 24, 2008

My beautiful baby girl is now 9 months old.....

Hope everyone is having a safe and happy Easter and I hope Easter bunny was good to you all.

School holidays have now started, gosh I can't believe that term 1 is fished already!!!!

Not much planned for the holidays, we are going to go and have one night in Melbourne so I can go to Paperific....I am booked in to do a Mixed Acrylic Album with Nicole Finlayson....can't wait, it should be fun....Some of my layouts will be on display at Paperific on the "scrapanlia"stand so check them out if you are there.

The kids and I all have chiro and podiatrist appointments in Bendigo so that will fill in another day of our holidays....
Saturday night we went to a Quambatook Tractor Pull....the kids had a ball as two other families joined us....10 kids, lots of dust and lots and lots of noise.....what more would a kid want.... (will add photos of them later)
One of my dear friends has been very unwell, she is in hospital in ICU, she has been there for 3 weeks now. She thought she had the flu but just became sicker and sicker, her hubby went out to work and came home at lunch time to find her in bed unable to move or respond and almost not breathing, by the time she got to the hospital here, things were touch and go, then she was flown by air ambulance to a larger hospital where she has been ever since. The first thought it was Meningococcal but now they are just not sure. She was in a induced coma and on life support for almost 2 weeks. Her recovery has been very slow until a few days ago when things started to look a bit better, as she is in ICU and we have not been able to see her but maybe over Easter myself and some of her other close friends may be able to see her.

On a brighter note Mardi has added a little project to her blog, the project is to do little tourist spiel about where we live, so this is going to be my challenge for this week.

Before I go must add these photos of Georgia dress up as Violet Beauregarde for a Willy Wonka Day at school.....It took 3 washes to get most of the purple out of her hair....but it was so worth it....she looks so cool xx

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Must run

Take care and love to all

Cherie xxoo


  1. Little Miss Velvet, you are so cute and kissable! 9 months already Cherie - where has the time gone?
    Love the purple hair - how cool...hehe.
    Love the layout share in the last post too - your on fire.

  2. Cherie...Velvet is so adorable...absolutely ADORABLE!!

    Sorry to hear of your friend....I hope she improves soon...

    ...and THANKYOU for making my idea your challenge for the week...I cant wait to see your pics...

    Have a great week..
    Mardi x

  3. Great to see you had some time to create some great LO's !!
    Love the purple hair!
    Can't believe little Velvet is 9mths ... gosh time flies.
    Hope all goes well for your friend.

  4. Oh just look at little Velvet! She really is adorable!! (Love that cute top you've got on her too - I've got the same one for Madi!)

    Hope your friend is well and truly on the mend now...I'm sure it's been such a scary time for her and her family!

    Loving those layouts in your last post! They all look fantastic!!

    Enjoy the rest of your week!

    Sheree xx

  5. The photos of Velvet and Georgia are so cute!!!!
    See you on Saturday at Paperific!
