Saturday, September 08, 2007

DD Chloe is OBSESSED with taking photos on my phone here are a few of her latest ones.........

will do more update later today

Cherie xx
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  1. Ohh how cool are these...she may be a budding photographer Cherie... perhaps if she used a real camera you could get some good scrappable ones too.... or is she like my kids.. and just takes weird ones as evidence she has been there...
    Have asuper week..
    Mardi xx

  2. What a great lot of pics! I'm with Mardi.... imagine what she could do with a better camera!?

    Have a great week Cherie!

    Sheree xx

  3. LOL they are very cool little photos!
    Fab lot of pics, it's so nice that your DD is loving taking pics at the moment.
